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Uncover the unconscious resistance that puts the brakes on money and unlock the frequencies of effortless receiving—so you know exactly what slows down money & how to stay in the receiving zone.

ON PRE SALE for $88 (will be $222)

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No longer thinking about "how" to receive more money. 


You don’t chase, overwork, or wonder when the next big wave is coming. 

Receiving money in large amounts, is simply who you are—an experience as natural as breathing.

Where it feels light, relaxed, and completely free—without any feeling of pressure, heaviness or expectation.

You’re ready to unlock a new level of receiving.

You’re ready for The Receiving Zone.


Your ability to receive money expands—larger amounts flow in without feeling heavy. It’s light, natural—like an energy "Of Course".

You stop being the woman who chases or forces money and you become the woman who expects money to show up, and it always does.

Your potential for receiving is limitless—with money compounding in every area: your bank account, investments and net worth


You've done the quick-fix “manifestation hacks” that only give you a temporary boost at best:

  • “Feel the feelings” of receiving more and hope for the best.

  • Scripting, journaling, like it’s already here.

  • Tapping your way to 7 figures and beyond

  • Spending money and repeating “It’ll come back 10X”

  • Dressing like your “higher self” and waiting for money to magically show up.

  • Repeating affirmations until they’re just words on an endless loop.

  • Believing that money is something external you must "attract".

  • Creating vision boards, expressing gratitude, or taking "inspired action"

All these practices reinforce the perception that money is outside of you—something separate that needs to be chased.


You’re ready to step into the real power of receiving.


Right now, you’re receiving money, but deep down, you know there’s a higher level available to you—your receiving feels inconsistent and heavy, like it comes with strings attached, turning on and off instead of flowing in continuous overflow.

The reason you’re in the receiving zone some of the time and not all of the time?


Isn’t because you need to “feel the feelings” more (we both know you’ve done that plenty and you know damn well how more money would feel)


Isn’t because you need to do more practices– affirmations, EFT tapping, scripting, vision boarding, or limiting belief work—you’ve done them all a hundred times, and it feels like throwing spaghetti at the wall, hoping something will stick


Isn’t because you’re not doing enough or failing to take “inspired action” (You’ve done all the “right things”, and it’s not about forcing or pushing harder)

It’s because there’s a part of you that is unconsciously resisting— seeing an overflow of money as something outside of you.

This hidden resistance keeps you from fully becoming the woman who effortlessly receives money as a natural extension of who she is, creating an invisible cap that holds you back from the wealth that is available to you now.

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Welcome to the... 


Through the 3-step method inside THE RECEIVING ZONE you’ll: 

Identify the unconscious resistances that have held you back, so you can step into a flow of consistent, relaxed money.

Uncover where you’ve been creating separation between you and money, so you’re not “calling it in,” but you simply exist in a state of receiving

Learn the 10 energetic frequencies of effortless receiving, so it becomes a second nature experience— rather than a chase.

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Hi, I'm Liv

I remember when I mastered being in the receiving zone, I no longer had to chase money, “do” more to receive or rely on the latest manifestation practices & rituals in *hopes* that would make money fall from the sky.


Instead, money flowed in without a second thought, reinforcing that receiving isn't something you chase or “attract”—it's get’s unlocked because of who you are. 


Women come to me all the time, trying to receive more by pushing, forcing, or relying on your typical manifestation practices in hopes that will create an overflow of money in their life. 


Where they not only want to make more money, but they care about their experience of money and don’t want it to feel heavy, filled with pressure & expectation or the feeling that it comes with strings attached.


What they often don’t realize is that they have unconscious resistance creating kinks in their money hose of receiving. Kinks that once they identify money doesn’t just flow, it FLOODS— and it feels light as a feather.


When you rely on external linear strategies they create mediocre results at best. 


Instead when you identify what unconscious resistance you personally have to receiving, uncover any separation you’re creating between you and money, and learn the 10 frequencies of effortless receiving, you experience large influxes of money and you change your experience of money to be one that is filled with ease and speed. 


I remember sitting at my computer, celebrating another one of my close proximity clients hitting another 6-figure cash month, while cutting her hours in half, and realizing— this process has to be shared with more women.


I had to bring the Receiving Zone method that I use with my high ticket 7 & 8 figure clients to you. 


This is the method that has helped them receive 25K, 40K, 100K, 300K cash months, and changed the experience they have with money—making it feel light.


If you’re someone who goes wild for energetic concepts made practical and ease to apply, hi, I’m Liv👋🏼— you’re going to love my world.

If you’re ready to go from feeling like receiving money is heavy, comes in bursts or has strings attached to living in the reality where receiving money is light, natural and always expanding, join me inside The Receiving Zone

What You’ll Receive:

7 DAYS of LIVE Audio Trainings + Action Steps: Dive into powerful audio sessions packed with actionable steps designed to integrate receiving into your daily experience with ease.

LIVE Immersion into Receiving Frequencies: Get ready to be fully immersed in the powerful frequencies of receiving that will shift you into overflow.

Lifetime Access: Revisit anytime you want—all content will be uploaded to your personal portal for access whenever you desire.

This is the exact method I take my high ticket 7-figure clients through, and now, it's your turn



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